Business Woman Holding a Tablet Computer.If High Bridge Books has made a positive impact on you, and you would like to become one of our “Literary Agent” Affiliate Partners, we would like to hear from you.

How It Works

  1. Complete the “Literary Agent” Affiliate Partner Application.
  2. Find authors and manuscripts that you think would be a “good fit” for publishing with High Bridge Books.
    • We are not necessarily looking for “Christian books.” However, we are looking for books that have been written from the perspectives of authors that have Christian worldviews. Our aim is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ through every book that we publish.
    • If the author you refer agrees, we can print your organization’s logo on the back cover of the book.
  3. Ask your publishing candidate to complete the Book Proposal Form, ensuring that the candidate lists your name in the field titled, “Name of person/agent who referred you”: LINK TO BOOK PROPOSAL FORM.
  4. Ask your publishing candidate to request High Bridge Books’ free author training video series: LINK TO REQUEST VIDEOS. 
  5. You will earn a $100 affiliate commission for each new manuscript you refer that is published by High Bridge Books. You will receive your affiliate commission through Paypal within one week of the book’s release.



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